The Holiday Hook Up

There are two things more perfect for each other than peanut butter and chocolate — the holiday season and the Internet.  Not only do I have J. Crew stalking my e-mail inbox on a daily basis, promising me free shipping and discounted outerwear if I will only give them free access to my credit card (which, admittedly, I do on a somewhat regular basis, curse you J. Crew and your preppy lures!), but I have sending me personalized discount offers, such as today’s 30% discount on the movie Personal Best (for those of you who didn’t try to watch every lesbian ever made when you came out in college, that would be an early 1980s movie with Mariel Hemingway about a lesbian relationship between two Olympic track athletes).  Evidently, something about my purchasing habits at Amazon screams lesbian.  Funnily, I had also thought that my purchasing history screamed “good taste,” but evidently I’m going to have to work on that if I want to offer me a discount on a friggin’ decent lesbian flick next year.  At this point, it’s looking like next year’s Amazon coupon might be a fantastic deal on Vampire Lesbian Kickboxers.

2 Responses to “The Holiday Hook Up”

  1. In that case make sure you also see Some Prefer Cake which they sell on Amazon and is def the worst lesbian movie ever, but stars my first love.

  2. Hmm…nope…Vampire Lesbian Kickboxers still sounds better.

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